Webinar: Practical Tips for Learning and Instructional Design

U ponedjeljak, 18. svibnja 2020. godine s početkom u 17 sati održat će se webinar pod nazivom Practical Tips for Learning and Instructional Design. Bit će to prilika za obradu teme kako preći s nastave u učionici na nastavu online i kako organizirati nastavu u online okruženju.

Organizatori ističu kako su okupili renomirane stručnjake koji će ponuditi mnoštvo praktičnih savjeta te odgovarati na sva korisna i zanimljiva pitanja.

Webinar će se odvijati na engleskom jeziku a teme o kojima će biti riječ su:

  • How to transfer f2f courses to online environments?
  • What are the necessary elements of an online course?
  • Is there a difference between learning outcomes (LO) in f2f and online and how to assess LO in the online environment?
  • How to organize students’ activities to be in correlation with LO and ECTS points of the course?
  • How to make sure that an online course is not just a repository of learning materials?
  • How to ensure effective communication with students in the online environment? What should be the ratio between synchronous and asynchronous communication?
  • What kind of audio and video resources can be used, and how many of them to add to the course?

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